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Händer med ringar

Next course start: 11/1-2025

00:00 / 04:25

Ylwa Woxmark

CEO, coach, runs an education center within the horse business, write books and owner of Bed & Breakfast, live with Mats on a horsefarm just outside Rättvik!

​How do you know what your identity is, who you are and who you want to be?  It's about going to the core of us and seeing what values ​​are important to us and how we honor them every day. In our thoughts, in our decisions and in our actions. When you feel lost or unsure of yourself, it is often because we have compromised in order to please others.

When we know who we are, we are true to ourselves, dare to stand for our passion and dare to make ourselves heard. This means that we stand by our values ​​and beliefs. The more you honor your own identity, the more your life will reflect who you really are. This is my thesis from The Impactful Coach Program and I am so looking forward to sharing it with you! Make your own identity journey and change your life.


Do you want to know more? You'll always reach me at


Fire and ice - Your identity journey

I have always been fascinated by our history and it started with the meaning of my name. Ylwa, is Old Norse and is the feminine form of Ulf, which means wolf. It has always felt strong in me and it did not become less strong when my life almost ended on the day I was born. I came into the world lifeless and blue, with the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck.


With roots all the way back to Ragnar Lodbrok, it's no wonder that the place we chose to put down our stakes is old Viking land. It is said that some places have a very high energy, and that is certainly true in this place. When the northern lights shimmer across the sky and the stars send their sparkling rays across the yard, you feel it. When the cry of the fox is heard in the distance or when the horses meet our eyes on a misty morning, then you know this is an old place. And you feel that there are ancient traditions. So why not use these ancient traditions, symbols, archetypes and fairy tales to clarify an identity journey?

That's what I thought anyway and that became the start of Fire and ice - Your identity journey.

For example, what about taking part in Völvan's wisdom and looking into your own future? The word völva means "staff bearer" and Völvan or Valan knew the art of sejda - seeing into the future. A divine gift and as her mark she had a wand. Without it she couldn't tell the future. Or think if the Nordic Gods can tell you about your strengths and weaknesses? Your light and your shadow side. Or how Odin's eight-legged horse Sleipner, through our own herd of horses, can tell you how to become the creator of your own reality?

Welcome to Fire and ice - Your identity journey.


There is an old Nordic tradition of using one's voice. Here's a chant of gratitude to the horse Exit who has passed to the other side.


Choose between 4 (examples below),
6, 8 or 12 weeks!

Discover and understand who you are with the world of the Vikings

The Nordic Gods help you see your strengths and weaknesses

Völvan's wisdom gives you the opportunity to see into your own future

Sleipner gives you the tools to become the creator of your own reality


"As above, so below". The Vikings saw the earth roughly as a plate. In the center stood the world tree Yggdrasil. At one of the roots lay the snake Nidhögg, gnawing. Here, with the help of our Norse mythology, we dive into your identity. Do you know who you are?

Thor was the God of Thunder. A temperamental doer, fearless and self-assured - when he lived in his bright side. But what are the consequences of such a personality living in the shadow side? Does such a person become ruthless? Always alone? See your strengths and weaknesses!

Völvan was powerful in the world of the Vikings and they went to her to see into the future. Like the Vikings, we often go to others for advice, when we really have everything we seek within ourselves. How do you really want to be? If you listen to your inner voice? Here we explore that.

Sleipner was Odin's horse and he had eight legs. Perhaps a symbol of both being able to get between heaven and earth? If you knew that what you think and feel creates your results, what would happen if you changed your thoughts? Sleipner and our herd of horses will help you.

You are the creator of your own reality!

"Your inner work creates your outer results faster, if you just make sure to do the work" /Ylwa


You can also book a 30 min inspirational talk

with me! It's free and you do it here.

Price example
4 weeks:


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