Ylwa Woxmark
CEO, mentor & coach, runs training center in the horse industry, writes books and owner of Bed & Breakfast. Lives with Mats on a horse farm outside Rättvik!
Horse girl who sat on a horse for the first time only three years old, it was in Dalarna! That memory has been etched in my mind and my first dream job I remember is that I want to become a hyopologist. It has also meant that I have always had horses in my life.
When Mats and I met in 2007 and became best friends, the dreams began to come to life. He shared the same dream! So what if my childhood dream of working with horses could actually become a reality? In 2010 we became a couple, then I had understood that he was my soul mate. The rest is, as they say, history.
Have I ever regretted it? No, not for a second!
At the age of 55, I live a fantastic dream life that every day creates new opportunities. You can do that too!
Do you want to know more? You can always reach me at ylwa@dromlivet.se
I'll coach you in English!
I have done the journey that you want to do!
It was in 2010 that I made my big life change! I resigned from a well-paid job in Stockholm and moved to my love in Dalarna! With no other plan than wanting to make a living working with horses and people, live on a horse farm and live out my childhood dreams. I supported myself from the beginning as a photographer and reporter because in my free time in Stockholm I had been a photographer's apprentice for two years and in April 2011 we started the individual company DHA - with a focus on horses,
and we transformed the business into a limited company in 2015.
I was told a lot of "truths" during the time we were building our company. Like working with horses, it wasn't a real job and that I would never be able to achieve my dream. But it just taught me that when you have a burning desire for what you want to do, it won't matter what problems you encounter along the way. I've learned that where we put our focus, that's where the results end up. So if you go and worry about becoming poor, that is most likely going to be your reality! You can focus on lack, on what you don't have, or you can choose to focus on what you want in your life. Your results tell you where your focus is or has been.
But just changing your focus won't help, you have to act too. And you have to do it with 100% faith in your own ability to make your dream come true. That's why so many people give up on the journey because they don't know how to take care of the obstacles that appear along the way.
Obstacles in the form of old, inherited values, wrongly set goals or a poor self-image.
In May 2024, I completed the TIR, Thinking Into Results training with Palwasha Feizi as a mentor and I learned more about myself in six months than I have in the last 13 years as self-employed. I had a big self-awareness that I have had a lot of TIR thinking in my life but not the toolbox to make all the changes.
I was also encouraged to become a coach as I have many life experiences that could help people.
My husband Mats, who has been telling me since 2010 that coaching is for me, said the famous, words "What did I say!" and I started the English training "The Impactful Coach Program with Claire Macpherson as a mentor. The development it has meant for me to complete a coaching program in another language has been enormous. I have done a lot of inner work on myself and have had great breakthroughs under Claire's guidance. On October 11th, 2024 I graduated! And now I am at your disposal.
4 weeks of coaching 1:1
Week 1: Is there a dream goal?
Week 2: What does your situation look like today?
Week 3: What are your options?
Week 4: What are your next steps?
The first week begins with an introductory conversation where we talk about your thoughts about your life and your dreams and what you would like to work on for goals? We then continue to look at whether you have a clear dream goal or need help identifying your strengths?
What is happening in your life today? Here we dive into different reasons why you don't do what you want to do. It can be about old, inherited values, that you don't set the right goals or feelings around your self-image. We look at the results you have in your life today and how you can change them.
In the third week, we look at different options and steps you can take that will move you towards your goal image. What would happen if you did nothing at all? And what if there were no limitations whatsoever to what you could do?
In the last week we talk about obstacles that you can face on the way to your goal, what they are due to and how you can get past them? We also talk about the support you may need to stick to your plan and what your next steps are.

You are the creator of your own reality!
“Stop listening to the noise around you, all you seek
is within you" /Ylwa
You can also book a 30 min inspirational talk
with me! It's free and you do it here.