Coaching 1:1 (5,000 SEK/month) or coaching triad? (SEK 3,500/month)
Who I am
My name is Ylwa Woxmark, I am 55 years old, mother of three and CEO of Drömlivet. But it hasn't always been that way! In 2010, my inner voice became so strong that I had to follow my dream. Then I had worked for 25 years in a profession that the outside world considered "successful and good", now I would swim against the current to do what I really, really wanted. I didn't have the faintest idea how, only that I had now reached a dead end where I had to make a decision that terrified me. I had no guarantees whatsoever that it would work, just a strong passion that no matter what I was faced with, I would continue until the dream life became a reality!
Otherwise I would regret it for the rest of my life.
I would be lying if I said it has been easy, because I have had to face and take hold of my "dark sides" and experiences, be brave, not let myself be influenced by the opinions and values of the outside world. Punch holes in some really strong beliefs that have partly been inherited for generations, but also beliefs that it doesn't matter who you are and what you've done earlier in life to succeed. That everything you seek is waiting to be discovered within you as superpowers you didn't know you had and that the dream goal will make them meet the light of day.
That it is possible to practice the feeling of wealth before it exists physically and that the results you see in your life are a reflection of how you see yourself. To learn to love yourself and to set healthy boundaries with the outside world for how you want to be treated so as not to be exploited and drained. Finding your soulmate. To live every second in the feeling of abundance and gratitude so that life is as it is meant to be. Easy, healthy and fun in every way!
You don't have to wait 25 years like I did.
In October I will graduate from
"The Impactful Coach Program!"
And then I will offer two package solutions that both include coaching with me! The first is individual coaching, or what I call 1:1. The second offer I call Coaching's triad and then you are a group of three who meet with me once a week. Something happens to the dynamic when you are in a group and everyone lifts each other up! You will be able to choose between 1, 3 or 6 months in both options. Which suits you best? If you are unsure, book a free 30-minute call with me! Sign up in the form below and I will get back to you with a suggested time. It will be possible to split the payment in both solutions.

Book a free 30-min inspirational conversation with me!
That way you will be the first to know when the coaching starts.